Stress Relief Yoga
Stress Relief Yoga is the integration of slow deliberate action of postures, attention to alignment, body-centered awareness of energetic ‘press points and extensions’, working at our ‘edge’ skillfully with breath and movement, coming to know sensation as the felt experience in the body, and unfolding into ‘letting go’ with body, mind, and spirit integration. Specific uses of breath (pranayama), hand postures (mudras), Jin Shin Jyutsu self-care (hands-on healing), and Yoga Nidra are integrated throughout the class. Essential oils for aromatherapy are available upon request.
This practice cultivates a balanced, grounded and steady mind to help move with ease through daily life. You will leave this class with helpful tools for returning to a calm state at will.
“Meditative awareness is the most effective way to disentangle you from yourself.”
– Gurudev Shri Amritji
Yoga Body Psychology
Yoga Body Psychology is a holistic healing art which is a total body stretch and energy opener. You are supported by the practitioner with the use of props, the wall and assisted poses to help you move into areas of constriction that you may normally avoid. Yoga Body Psychology allows for the release of these areas for improved mental and physical health, increasing the body’s range of motion and incorporating deep relaxation. A class or private session integrates breathwork, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Therapeutic Touch, and Yoga Nidra. Essential oils for aromatherapy are available upon request.

Meditation-in-Motion is a yoga practice of sensing conscious awareness within the body by using specific tools to slow everything down: slowing the breath, micro-moving to feel the body, deliberately holding posture and relaxing into complimentary movement, and utilizing 3rd Eye meditative integration throughout the practice. This cultivates deep listening to impulses and guidance, both in the body and in life. The innate intelligence within you becomes your guiding force. Specific uses of pranayama (breathwork), mudra, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Yoga Nidra are integrated throughout a class. Essential oils for aromatherapy are available upon request.
“In Yoga Nidra is the Art of non-doing, where you are resting as awareness itself”.
-Kamini Desai
Yoga Nidra Meditation infused with Jin Shin Jyutsu
Yoga Nidra Meditation is an ancient integrative sleep-based guided meditation practice designed to deeply relax, and release tensions held in the body. This yoga practice of pranayama (breath) and guided visualization is done in savasana (lying on the floor) and restores balance to mind, body, and spirit. Yoga Nidra calms the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, greatly helps insomnia, and so much more. A forty-five-minute Yoga Nidra can be as restorative to the body as three hours of sleep. Essential oils for aromatherapy are available upon request.
Research shows that Yoga Nidra can improve well-being by:
• Eliminating stress and anxiety
• Inducing healing response
• Lowering blood pressure
• Increasing health and well-being
• Preventing premature aging
• Alleviating cravings
In addition, your Yoga Nidra experience will be trauma-informed and infused with Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) Self-Help for optimal healing to take place. JSJ is an ancient Japanese healing practice that is akin to Chinese acupuncture in its effect without the use of needles, only our hands. These classes will be recorded for your convenience to be used throughout the week for your continued well-being.
Yoga Nidra for Kids is also available. Young people need to de-stress too! If you are interested in creating or being part of a Yoga Nidra class for Kids, contact me.

Sleep Recovery for First Responders & Essential Workers
Sleep recovery is for first responders, essential workers, or covid survivors who have difficulty sleeping. These private sessions will integrate Jin Shin Jyutsu self-care and breathwork with Trauma-Informed Yoga Nidra. You will leave the session with a recording for your convenience to be used throughout the week for your continued well-being. A regular Yoga Nidra practice will help with stress, deep sleep, and overall good health. Yoga Nidra helps with eliminating anxiety, inducing a healing response, lowering blood pressure, increasing health and well-being, preventing premature aging, and alleviating cravings. A forty-five-minute Yoga Nidra can be as restorative to the body as three hours of sleep. Essential oils for aromatherapy are available upon request.

Dancing Mindfulness
Dancing Mindfulness honors the invitation to “come as you are”. These classes use movement as the primary medium of discovering mindful awareness. Participants tap into their own healing resources through moving the body, and mindfully exploring breath and sound. This is done through a ‘felt-sense’ of body awareness brought back to the present moment. Various forms of music are incorporated to create a welcoming integrated experience for all. Jin Shin Jyutsu self-care and breathwork may also be used to orient ourselves at the beginning and end of class. Come ready to express yourself through movement and music from a place of awareness in the present moment.